Tasked with infiltrating the Weather Institute and collecting the data on the ancient Pokemon Groudon and Kyogre, he delayed the arrival of the new lab technician Millie, taking on her identity and forming a friendship with her employee training assistant, Bart. Building his trust, he gained access to the mainframe, using Team Aqua's attack on the facility as an excuse to copy the data onto a portable drive and deleting the original hard copy.
"Unfair-Weather Friends"
Having completed his task, Brodie escaped to the top of the weather manipulation device, revealing his identity to his shocked colleagues and temporary allies - Ash Ketchum and his friends. Mockingly thanking Shelley for her help in stealing the data, he ordered his Ditto to transform into an identical copy of Shelly's two Crawdaunt, using their bubble beam to cover beat the Team Aqua admin back.
However he was forced to go up against May's Combusken, countering their sky uppercut with their own crab hammer. Impressed by his Ditto's performance, he called the Transforming Pokemon back to his side, retreating the scene with a jet pack.
- "Unfair-Weather Friends" (First and Only Appearance of the Series)