Thursday, 3 August 2017

Lady Olenna Tyrell - Game Of Thrones Season Five (2015)

Seeing how dangerous King Joffrey Baratheon was, Lady Olenna Tyrell worked with Littlefinger, concocting a plan to poison the King on his wedding day using the Strangler. Fully aware that vials of the poison were used as ornate decorations on the necklace belonging to Sansa Stark - given to her by Ser Dontos Hollard - she removed one vial and slipped it into his chalice as he was too busy mocking and bullying his uncle, Tyrion Lannister.

Having returned to Higharden to avoid Tyrion's trial, Olenna was called back to King's Landing by Queen Margery, after her grandson Loras was arrested by the Sparrows and Faith Militant for being gay, whilst King Tommen had done nothing to stop it from happening, or free him from imprisonment.

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"

Travelling by carriage to King's Landing,Olenna opened the window to see why they had stopped, only to be taken back by the smell and claiming that she could smell "the shit from five miles away." Demanding that they continued, she went straight to her granddaughter to plan their next move in releasing Loras.

Walking through the courtyard, Olenna remarked that all the Faith Militant had on Loras was hearsay, going on to add that if every homo or bisexual individual was arrested in King's Landing, the Black Cells would not be able to contain any prisoners who had committed serious crimes. Upon Renly's name being mentioned in relation to Loras, Olenna mused that Margery's former husband had sexual liaisons with many stable boys and squires throughout the seven Kingdoms, a fact she went on to point out was well known and not worthy of comment. She continued to defend her point, reminding Margery that - much like Renly - he was the brother of the monarch. Calling the matter "unacceptable" Olenna saw through Cersei's plan as a ploy to drag the Tyrell name through the mud. Telling Margery to rest up, saying she "looked appalling", whilst she would go and deal with the Queen Regent herself.

Growing impatient from waiting for Cersei to stop pretending to wright, she expressed her desire to speak urgently to her, since she had been travelling many days to reach them. Recognising that Cersei was gloating, she demanded that she put down her quill as they both knew that she wasn't doing anything. She angrily snapped at Cersei, calling her a "famous tart" and outright accused her for having a part in Loras' arrest. Cutting off her demand for an apology, Olenna remarked that she would get one when her grandson was safely returned to her. Fully aware that Cersei was lying to her, she coldly asked if the royal court still required all the provisions that she had been supplying with the truce the family had provided, stating that the alliance they had brokered was very close to breaking point with this move against them. She darkly added that she was not trying to hide any threat against House Lannister. Upon being questioned whether she wanted to see Westeros go back to the warring that had been going on, Olenna remarked that she never trusted or liked Tywin Lannister, however held respect for him and his beliefs that enemies work better as friends. She scoffed at Cersei's suggestion that House Lannister had "no rivals," however accepted her word that Loras was going to an informal inquest rather than a trial.

She attended the inquest, openly furious at the nature in which they accused Loras of his relationship between Renly and himself. Upon him being dismissed by the High Septom (High Sparrow), she began to stand up and declare that they had heard quite enough contempt towards her house blood. However she is suprised by Margery being called up to stand as a witness in the trial, allowing her to go, but throwing suspicious glances at Cersei.

After the testimony of Olyvar, she watched in shock as members of the Faith Millitant moved on Margery and Loras, demanding to know what they thought they were doing to lay hands on the queen and not letting them leave. Looking to the Queen Regent with hatred in her eyes, she is met by a victorious smirk.

"The Gift"

Seeking an audience with the High Sparrow in the Sept of Baelor, Olenna confronted the High Sparrow mistaking him for someone else as she went on to insult his name - "whatever bloody thing he calle{d}himself".  Recognising it to be him, she curtly reminded him that when talking to a Lady, he should show the respect and stand. Unimpressed by his attempt to spar with her, she demanded that he did not try it again. Asking her if she felt any ailment in her old age, she begrudgingly replied it was her hips, before returning to her task. Believing that he was using his power and title as the "man of the people" for personal gain, she went on to comment on the fact that he was doing the dirty work of Cersei Lannister. Growing even more angry at his preaching and sermons, she angrily barked that the only reason she was here was to get back her grandchildren. Seeing him turn her back on him, sh berated him for doing so, asking him to tell her what he wanted and promising that she could make him the richest septom in Westerosian History. She sarcastically inquired how the so called man of the Gods heard their commands - through "raven or horse". In her exasperation she replied to his attempts to lend her a copy of "The Seven Pointed Star", reminding him that most of the people within Kings Landing had at some point in their life broken the commandments of the Gods, condemning his actions of going after Loras and Margery for "shagging some perfumed ponce" and "defending her brother". Threatening to cut off supplies and starve the city in the process, promising to lay the blame on him, she listened to his retort that House Tyrell were among "the few" and "the many" would eventually rise up to retaliate.

Summoned to meet with Petyr Baelish in the ruins of his brothel, she barked that he was not sorry for bringing her there, and added that his once safe space was no longer safe for anyone especially the clientele and workers who were murdered or chased out. Hearing him mourn for the business he had created, she remarked that he always found himself to be very impressive. She ordered him not to try and flatter her or share her sympathy for her house, reminding him that not only did she know him, but also that their lives would forever be linked since they were responsible for the murder of Joffrey Baratheon. She went on to warn him that if anything happened to her whilst she was in or around his "broken little flesh market", her men had been ordered in advance to ensure that nobody would ever "find what's left of you". Wanting to know if he had a part in the Sparrows rise to power in King's Landing, she went on to question him on what Cersei wanted, wanting to find anything that she could use to turn the tables on the woman who destroyed her family. Wary of a present that Littlefinger promised her, she became delighted as he explained that the "handsome young man" could provide her with the revenge she sort.

  1. "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" (First Appearance of the Series)
  2.  "The Gift" (Final Appearance of the Series)
Played By:
  • Dame Diana Rigg

Lady Olenna Tyrell - Game Of Thrones Season Four (2014)

Formerly Olenna of House Redwyne, Olenna was engaged to be married to Daeron Targaryen, which was seen to be the most socially acceptable thing to do. However due to finding him to be unappealing to her (with a "twitchy ferrety face and ludicrous silver hair"), she decided that she would instead marry Luthor Tyrell instead, who was to be married to her sister Viola - although he hadn't proposed yet.

Pretending to get lost coming back from an embroidery session, she spent the night with Luthor having sex. After this, Luthor became completely devoted to her, marrying her and taking her back to Highgarden. Although in love with Luthor, she did not like him very much, suffering many years together to bring Mace into the world. She often complained about sitting next to him at numerous banquets, referring to him as a "doughy lump" and an "oath".

After the death of her husband, she was forced to stand over and look at his corpse, which they had recovered from the bottom of the cliffs. She had never really accepted his death, hiding it well beneath her wit and sarcasm.

Still in King's Landing for the wedding of her granddaughter to King Joffrey Baratheon, Lady Olenna Tyrell continued to organise and dictate what needed to be done in order to make it an event to remember.

"Two Swords"

Operating from her usual spot in the gardens of King's Landing, Olenna helped Margery sort through necklaces for the wedding, disregarding them all without even a second glance and telling her granddaughter that "she was a queen not an ox." Spotting a necklace similar to one that Luthor had given her on her fifty first name day, she fondly smiles at it for a moment before throwing it over the wall. She replied to Margery's comment that she couldn't keep refusing everything that was being chosen, with the fact that she could, ordering her nieces to go to the most famous jewellery shops throughout the city and procure more necklaces, promising the winner that they can keep the second best.

Sitting down alone with Margery, Olenna remarked that Margery would inspire songs to be created for her beauty, adding that she would not let her walk into the Sept of Baelor for the wedding (a fortnight later) wearing anything less than the best. She warned Margery not to make jokes about Joffrey, fully aware that Varys and other members had of the court had spies everywhere.

They are interrupted by the arrival of Brienne of Tarth, expressing her amazement at her presence and reputation as one of the only people to defeat Loras Tyrell in single combat, complementing her on the task. Hearing Brienne's request to speak to Margery in private, Olenna consented, adding that she had "dare not refuse."

"The Lion and the Rose"

Reaching the day of Joffrey and Margery's marriage, Olenna stood with Mace and Loras to watch the Wedding Ceremony, looking at Joffrey with loathing. However she kept her face neutral and clasped her hands together with pride as Margery was declared his new wife and queen.

Leaving the Sept and returning to the gardens for the wedding feast, she is met by Tywin Lannister, who regarded the events as being too much. She replied that it was the perfect balance between what it should be and the extravagance of a royal event. Hearing him moan about how people who enjoy money often lose it very quickly after, she advised him to enjoy something before he died. Olenna dismissed Mace as he attempted to address them, barking at him to not interrupt them as they spoke. She went on to add that she was paying for her half of the wedding and therefore did not need to hear his complaining about cost. Sparing with her over how appreciation would be shown for the gesture, Olenna said "heartfelt gratitude" was enough of a gesture, since it was so rarely given. She added that he may be repeating the act now that the war was over, since the Iron Bank of Bravos would call in it's debts. Seeing through his defiant attitude about fearing the bank, she mused that he was too clever not to be wary of them. However they decided to put the topic to rest, with Olenna suggesting that they should celebrate "young love."

Crossing over to speak to Sansa Stark, Olenna compliments her beauty, remarking that the wind had swept her hair out of position though. Attending to it herself, she craftily reached around her neck and tore off one of the ornate jewels. She apologised for the deaths of her family at The Red Wedding, expressing her belief that it was an act of cowardice to murder someone at a wedding, no matter if it was during a war. Acknowledging the arrival of Tyrion, she breezily pointed out that the wedding had turned out better than anticipated. Turning back to Sansa, she extended the latter an invitation to visit them at Highgarden to celebrate the ending of the war. Noting the smile on Sansa's face, she excused herself to return to the banquet, wishing to eat some of the food that she had paid for before it all went.

Throughout the performance of the "War for the Five Kings", Olenna and the other Tyrells and angered and offended by the portrayal of Renly Baratheon (the other kings) and the slur they made on the family's name - particularly against Loras, who was crudely depicted in the play as a mount for Renly. Whilst he was distracted, Olenna poured poison (The Strangler) into his goblet, watching as Joffrey drank the contents to wash down the pidgin pie.

"Breaker of Chains"

Asked by Margery if she was still the queen, Olenna told her that although she wasn't (with the death of Joffrey), she had more right to the title than she did when she was married to Renly. She went on to tell her granddaughter not to inquire while Cersei and the rest of the family was in mourning. She was unmoved by the way in which Joffrey died, remarking that every horrible thing in the world was " tray of comments" when put next to death. She retold the tale of how she had to been made to look at Luthor's body, almost brought to tears as she remembered the husband she had loved and hated in equal measure.

Changing the subject, Olenna explained to her granddaughter that she was lucky that Joffrey died, because she would have been in a violent and abusive marriage. Seeing Margery's desire to be queen, she consoles her by saying that although they find the alliance to be unpleasant, they were still needed. Congratulating her on her efforts to make Joffrey fall for her, she added that the next king she would deal with would not be so demanding and cruel.


Deciding it was time to return to Hihgarden and avoid Tyrion's trial, Olenna and Margery took one last walk around the gardens, something she would not miss as she threatened to jump from the cliffs if she had to do it again. Asking if Margery had seen Tommen Baratheon since the death of Joffrey, she told her granddaughter about how she and Luthor first met, adding that matches could be made and unmade with the right kind of persuasion and distractions. Recounting the story of how she met Luthor, she complimented her own ability of manipulation, telling Margery that she was even better. However she prompts her to move quickly whilst Cersei was distracted with Tyrion's trial, in order that Cersei (calling her "vicious but not stupid") would attempt to turn Tommen against her, making a side note that Tyrion was completely innocent for the murder. When questioned how she could know, Olenna asked Margery if she had really expected her to sit and do nothing while she married such a dangerous "beast." Silencing Margery before she could react to the news, she fixed her necklace and calmly told her not to worry about anything, instead focus on seducing Tommen.

  1. "Two Swords" (First Appearance of the Series)
  2. "The Lion and the Rose"
  3. "Breaker of Chains"
  4. "Oathkeeper" (Final Appearance of the Series)
Played By:
  • Dame Diana Rigg

Lady Olenna Tyrell - Game Of Thrones Season Three (2013)

Daughter of the Lord of House Redwyne, Lady Olenna Tyrell married her husband Luthor Tyrell and gave birth to Mace
her only (known) child.

She was the grandmother to Loras and Margery Tyrell, who she both loved despite the numerous barbs she gave them (the reason she was titled the "Queen of Thorns"). She often berating her son for being foolish, pompous and big headed, she generally loved him and cared for his safety, trying to persuade him not to take part in Robert Baratheon's rebellion against the Targaryen Empire. 

Olenna was the late widowed when Luthor passed away, after riding off a cliff whilst he was hawking.

She had a great deal of respect for Eddard Stark and was sorry to learn of his death, believing him to be an honest man, who died with principles. She also claimed to have no say in the decision to marry Margery off to Renley Baratheon and championing his claim for the Iron Throne in the War against the Five Kings, seeing his claim to be unfounded.

In preparation for Margery's wedding to King Joffrey Baratheon, Lady Olenna travelled from Highgarden to King's Landing to oversee the events. Having heard numerous rumours about the cruelty of her granddaughter's betrothed, she made it a priority to protect her family as they joined together with the Tyrells and ensure no harm came to any of them.

"Dark Wings, Dark Words"

Wishing to hear the truth behind the nature of Joffrey, Olenna Tyrell set up a meeting with Sansa Stark in the gardens, greeting the formerly betrothed and asking her to kiss her hand. She passed on her condolences for the death of her father. Hearing Sansa praise the good qualities of the recently deceased Renley Baratheon, she mused that although he was all those things and more, he believed too strongly in his claim to be king of Westeros. She went on to add that despite Loras' feelings for Renley (fully aware of their relationship), her grandson had no sense of judgement and was far better at tourneys and jousting than leadership and strategy. She went on to insult her son by calling him "fat headed", telling Margery that Sansa might find her to be witty and far better company than those normally found at court. She expressed her belief that what the Tyrell's had done was in fact treason and had tried telling Mace so, since Stannis was the elder of the two brothers and Renly had no claim to the "ugly iron chair." But she concluded that the events of the war was in the past, changing the topic and asking Sansa if she would like to join them for some lemon cakes (Sansa's favourites). Barking at the nearest servant for him to bring them the food (accusing him of wanting to "starve the to death"), the three of them move to a more sheltered spot.

Inquiring if  Sansa knew Mace, she replied by saying that it was "no real pleasure" meeting him, calling him a "ponderous oaf "who was just the same as his father. She coldly added that Mace's actions were "riding a Lion" to an unknown and potentially fatal outcome. Pushing to the crux of the matter, Olenna questioned Sansa on her treatment whilst engaged to the King (since she would know him best), promising that no harm or repercussions would happen to her for her expression of the truth - no matter what they might reveal. Seeing how nervous Sansa was, she pushed her further, wondering if he had cut out her tongue. Mocking Sansa's statement that Joffrey was like a Lion, she replied with the cutting observation of family legends that "all Lannisters were Lions" by the assumption that all Tyrell's "fart" the scent of a rose. Going on with her questioning, she wanted to know how brave, caring and genuine Joffrey really was. However they were interrupted by the arrival of the cakes, demanding to have cheese brought down to her, berating the servant that she would get the cheese when she asked for it and not when it was supposedly customary.

Offering her a cake, she went on with the previous request, listening with disgust as she learned about the events following the death of Lord Eddard Stark, as well as the revelation that he was a "monster". Calling it a "pity", she promised that the wedding would still go on ahead as planned, since Mace - "the Lord High Oath of Higharden" - decreed Margery a queen, forming contingency plans in the back of her mind.

"And Now His Watch has Ended"

Accompanying Cersei Lannister through the Sept of Baelor, Olenna noted that the building could hold more than seven hundred people with the wall, countering her argument that people she deemed as not being significant that it was more of an ego boost than kindness. Stopping to watch Joffrey excitedly explain the history of Aerion Targaryen (The Brightflame) and show Margery the remains of the Mad King. Asking if Cersei was married to Robert in the Sept and if his bones were stored there too, she politely smiled at Cerse's slight annoyance at wanting to be buried in Storm's End. Labelling the King's death as a tragedy, she agreed with Cersei's remark that hunting was a foreseeable accident, remarking that Mace hunted as a way to cover up his own insecurities for not taking part in any battles. She went on to add that despite what the stories told, all Mace did during the siege of Storm's End was eat at the banquet tables in the command tent. She went on to tell Cersei that as a mother, they would do anything to ensure their children did not go off to war, only to be ignored for the promises of glory, honour and power. She scoffed at the notion that the world belonged to men, naming it a "ridiculous arrangement".

Returning to the gardens, Olenna sat with two of Margery's cousins as they embroidered the family words and sigil. Asked if she liked it, she expressed her annoyance at the repetitive nature of the rose being on everything she owned - even her chamber pot, which she remarked did not do anything to take away the smell. Going on to call the words "growing strong" as the dullest of all the families, shocking the younger Tyrell as she compliments the words of House Stark and Greyjoy as being memorable and intimidating. She sarcastically remarked that a rose could "instil fear in the heart" as much as "Direwolves and Krakens". Spotting Varys moving towards her, she casually remarks to them that "their was a spider in the garden", dismissing them with words she had openly mocked.

Greeted by Varys, she bluntly asked if his attempts at flattery were the usual lines he used to seduce people, remarking that he should "seduce away" as it had been many years since any suitor had attempted to. She went on to mock his status as a eunuch, telling him that her question about sex would be one for the philosophers. Tired of his diversionary tactics, she demanded to know why he had "minced his way" down to speak with her, refusing his request for a seat. Complementing his reputation as a "clever man", she expressed an interest in why he had come to her on his own stead. Hearing Varys mention her conversation with Sansa Stark, she coldly replied that one talk did not count for being interested in her, going on to remark that the Stark was hardly interesting - more intrigued about her childhood. Seeing him feign walking away from her, she joked that he "surrendered rather too easily", following him as they continued through the gardens, expressing her belief that there was nowhere safe to talk if "even the shrubbery had ears."

Listening to Varys  comment about choosing both friends and enemies accordingly, she inquired to know which category Sansa fell into, interested by the remark that he was doing this as a way for making up for the loss of Ned Stark, ensuring that Petyr Baelish did not use her as a piece in his plan to control the North. She mused at the number of admirers he had, rhetorically asking how many had come to his aid at the Sept of Baelor. Urging him to get to the point, she understood his plan right away, however wished to know why he had come to her with the knowledge that he had gathered from Ros about Baelish leaving with Sansa for the Eyrie. Accepting his testimony that Littlefinger was the most dangerous threat to Westeros, Olenna smirked at the plan to undermine him, suggesting that he must have despised Baelish. Moved by the notion that Baelish would do anything to become "King of the Ashes," she again complimented his intelligence, agreeing to set up a marriage pact between Loras and Sansa.

"Kissed by Fire"

Answering the summons of Tyrion Lannister to discuss matters of payment for the wedding, she aggressively criticised away Podrick Payne's pouring technique, telling him that they "were not in a tavern." He tried to apologise but she cuts him off, ordering him to leave them and bring her back some figs, which was a habit of hers every day at mid afternoon as it helped "move the bowels".

Getting to the matter at hand, she seemed peeved by her travelling all the way to him to discuss "financial matters". She expressed her belief that it was good news that the wedding was "extravagant", calling it the perfect distraction for the people at a time of bloodshed and war - with the promise that if it did not happen, they would all end up torn to pieces by the people of King's Landing. Seeing him question the payments, she began to list off all the payments and funds that the Tyrells were helping to fund during the hostility - "twelve thousand infantrymen, eighteen thousand lance
rs, two thousand in support... a million bushels of wheat, half a million bushels each of barley, oats and rye. Twenty thousand head of cattle, Twenty Thousand sheep."

She stated that he did not to lecture her about the funds of war, since she knew where every coin moved throughout the whole of the Tyrell's operations in the Reach. She went on to declare the importance of the royal wedding and the tradition that it was paid for by the Royal family. Olenna expressed her disappointment at Tyrion not living up to the reputation she had been told about, noting that he had been reduced to a "browbeaten bookkeeper". Hearing Podr
ick return with her figs, she wondered if he had to go to Volantis to get them as he had taken so long, taking a bite into one. Interrupted mid chew, she gave in, promising to pay half the funds for the wedding so that the house would not be seen as being stingy.  Getting up to leave, she wondered if everything else was in agreement, satisfied by the fact that it was.

"The Climb"

Meeting with Tywin Lannister in the Tower of the Hand, Olenna declared that it was "impossible" that she would allow Loras to marry Cersei as he was the "most eligable bachelor in all of the seven Kingdoms." She remarked that Cersei was too old  (which she was "something of an expert about") and was close to the point where she could no longer have children of her own, mockingly remarking that she would not tell him the details as it was even more painful and traumatic in her eyes than what men saw on the battlefield.

Upon Tywin retorting about Loras' homosexuality, Olenna shrugged off the suggestion that it was a big scandal, openly admitting that he was gay. Smirking at Tywin's suggestion that homosexuality was "an affliction" that could be cured by marriage, Olenna turned the subject around to him, wondering if he had grown up and had romantic/sexual encounters with male cousins and squires. Prying further into his discomfort on the subject, she sarcastically congratulated him for his "restraint" however goes on to add that it was "completely natural" for a romantic relationship between men. Hearing him stain Highgarden and brand it with a place that has a "high tolerance for unnatural behaviour," she coldly returned the argument saying that although they don't "tie {themselves} in knots for a discreet bit of buggery", they did have frown very strongly on incestuous relationships. Choosing not to state whether she believed the rumours between Jamie and Cersei to be true, she noted that the suggestion that Joffrey was the product of incest acted as the catalyst for Stannis Baratheon and others to go to war and kill members of both House Lannister and Tyrell - due to their partnership. She told Tywin that she was concerned about the rumours being true, calling herself the authority of her own being after he tried to speak for her, not wanting to "throw another prize flower into the dirt" if Joffrey wasn't really meant to be king (not making Margery a Queen) or Cersei was too old to give Loras heirs to pass on the Tyrell name.

Realising that she would not move from her position, she listened to Tywin's threat to place Loras on the Kings Guard, removing any claims he had to Highgarden or the right to father children. Questioning if Tywin would really allow someone who "disgusts {him} to protect Joffrey, she noted he would do whatever it took to keep control of the situation. Relenting to the decision, she snapped his quill in half, declaring that it was "a rare enough thing, a man who {lived} up to his reputation.

"The Second Sons"

With her plans to marry Sansa to Loras ending in tatters, Olenna stood with Margery and Loras as Joffrey walked Sansa down the aile of the Sept of Baelor for her wedding to Tyrion Lannister. Despite her best efforts she was unable to hide her revulsion at the callous way the other members of House Lannister were treating Tyrion during the service to the expense of the people.

Attending the wedding feast, she tried to fathom out the numerous ways that they would now be related to the Lannisters upon marriage, telling Loras that he would be both "step father and brother in law" to Joffrey. She went on to add that he would also be Margery's "father in law", causing Loras to storm off in anger at the situation.

Sitting watching Tywin and Tyrion's heated debate between one another from across the room with mild amusement, her mirth however turned to contempt for Joffrey's behaviour towards his uncle over the course of the day and evening.


  1. "Dark Wings, Dark Words" (First Appearance)
  2. "And Now his Watch has Ended"
  3. "Kissed By Fire"
  4. "The Climb"
  5. "The Second Sons" (Last Appearance of the Series)
Played By:
  • Dame Diana Rigg

Skallox - Injustice 2 Arcade Mode (2017)

Formerly a member of an intergalactic crime syndicate, Skallox was a master interrogator and was highly respected. However he eventually lost favour with his boss, who believed he had betrayed them, sentenced to execution in a furnace to be burned alive for his supposed crimes.

As he pleaded his innocence and begged for his life, he was roasted alive, screaming in agony as his flesh was burned off. As he swore vengeance against his boss, he was saved at the last moment by a Red Lantern Ring attaching to his finger, which stopped his heart and drove him made with anger and fury. He smashed his way free from the furnace and sort out Atrocitus on the planet Ysmault, joining several other individuals as a part of the Red Lantern Corps.

"Atrocitus Ending"

Whilst waiting for the return of Atrocitus, Skallox and the other Red Lanterns felt a surge of pain, fear and despair as they sensed the deaths of the billions of life forms on Brainiac's Ship, learning the source of this disturbance was caused by their leader themself.

Turning on him, Skallox followed Bleez, Dex-Starr and Vice in the manhunt across Ysmault, managing to wound their former leader. Cornering him by the Blood Oceans, he and the other Lanterns prepared to move in for the kill, however was beaten back by the emotional entity of compassion Proselyte.

Convinced by the entity that both rage and compassion could work well together, Skallox decided to trust Atrocitus' new objective, to unite the seven co
rps together as one big force to fight the injustices across the universe.


  1. "Atrocitus Ending" (First and Only Appearance)