Thursday, 3 August 2017

Lady Olenna Tyrell - Game Of Thrones Season Five (2015)

Seeing how dangerous King Joffrey Baratheon was, Lady Olenna Tyrell worked with Littlefinger, concocting a plan to poison the King on his wedding day using the Strangler. Fully aware that vials of the poison were used as ornate decorations on the necklace belonging to Sansa Stark - given to her by Ser Dontos Hollard - she removed one vial and slipped it into his chalice as he was too busy mocking and bullying his uncle, Tyrion Lannister.

Having returned to Higharden to avoid Tyrion's trial, Olenna was called back to King's Landing by Queen Margery, after her grandson Loras was arrested by the Sparrows and Faith Militant for being gay, whilst King Tommen had done nothing to stop it from happening, or free him from imprisonment.

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"

Travelling by carriage to King's Landing,Olenna opened the window to see why they had stopped, only to be taken back by the smell and claiming that she could smell "the shit from five miles away." Demanding that they continued, she went straight to her granddaughter to plan their next move in releasing Loras.

Walking through the courtyard, Olenna remarked that all the Faith Militant had on Loras was hearsay, going on to add that if every homo or bisexual individual was arrested in King's Landing, the Black Cells would not be able to contain any prisoners who had committed serious crimes. Upon Renly's name being mentioned in relation to Loras, Olenna mused that Margery's former husband had sexual liaisons with many stable boys and squires throughout the seven Kingdoms, a fact she went on to point out was well known and not worthy of comment. She continued to defend her point, reminding Margery that - much like Renly - he was the brother of the monarch. Calling the matter "unacceptable" Olenna saw through Cersei's plan as a ploy to drag the Tyrell name through the mud. Telling Margery to rest up, saying she "looked appalling", whilst she would go and deal with the Queen Regent herself.

Growing impatient from waiting for Cersei to stop pretending to wright, she expressed her desire to speak urgently to her, since she had been travelling many days to reach them. Recognising that Cersei was gloating, she demanded that she put down her quill as they both knew that she wasn't doing anything. She angrily snapped at Cersei, calling her a "famous tart" and outright accused her for having a part in Loras' arrest. Cutting off her demand for an apology, Olenna remarked that she would get one when her grandson was safely returned to her. Fully aware that Cersei was lying to her, she coldly asked if the royal court still required all the provisions that she had been supplying with the truce the family had provided, stating that the alliance they had brokered was very close to breaking point with this move against them. She darkly added that she was not trying to hide any threat against House Lannister. Upon being questioned whether she wanted to see Westeros go back to the warring that had been going on, Olenna remarked that she never trusted or liked Tywin Lannister, however held respect for him and his beliefs that enemies work better as friends. She scoffed at Cersei's suggestion that House Lannister had "no rivals," however accepted her word that Loras was going to an informal inquest rather than a trial.

She attended the inquest, openly furious at the nature in which they accused Loras of his relationship between Renly and himself. Upon him being dismissed by the High Septom (High Sparrow), she began to stand up and declare that they had heard quite enough contempt towards her house blood. However she is suprised by Margery being called up to stand as a witness in the trial, allowing her to go, but throwing suspicious glances at Cersei.

After the testimony of Olyvar, she watched in shock as members of the Faith Millitant moved on Margery and Loras, demanding to know what they thought they were doing to lay hands on the queen and not letting them leave. Looking to the Queen Regent with hatred in her eyes, she is met by a victorious smirk.

"The Gift"

Seeking an audience with the High Sparrow in the Sept of Baelor, Olenna confronted the High Sparrow mistaking him for someone else as she went on to insult his name - "whatever bloody thing he calle{d}himself".  Recognising it to be him, she curtly reminded him that when talking to a Lady, he should show the respect and stand. Unimpressed by his attempt to spar with her, she demanded that he did not try it again. Asking her if she felt any ailment in her old age, she begrudgingly replied it was her hips, before returning to her task. Believing that he was using his power and title as the "man of the people" for personal gain, she went on to comment on the fact that he was doing the dirty work of Cersei Lannister. Growing even more angry at his preaching and sermons, she angrily barked that the only reason she was here was to get back her grandchildren. Seeing him turn her back on him, sh berated him for doing so, asking him to tell her what he wanted and promising that she could make him the richest septom in Westerosian History. She sarcastically inquired how the so called man of the Gods heard their commands - through "raven or horse". In her exasperation she replied to his attempts to lend her a copy of "The Seven Pointed Star", reminding him that most of the people within Kings Landing had at some point in their life broken the commandments of the Gods, condemning his actions of going after Loras and Margery for "shagging some perfumed ponce" and "defending her brother". Threatening to cut off supplies and starve the city in the process, promising to lay the blame on him, she listened to his retort that House Tyrell were among "the few" and "the many" would eventually rise up to retaliate.

Summoned to meet with Petyr Baelish in the ruins of his brothel, she barked that he was not sorry for bringing her there, and added that his once safe space was no longer safe for anyone especially the clientele and workers who were murdered or chased out. Hearing him mourn for the business he had created, she remarked that he always found himself to be very impressive. She ordered him not to try and flatter her or share her sympathy for her house, reminding him that not only did she know him, but also that their lives would forever be linked since they were responsible for the murder of Joffrey Baratheon. She went on to warn him that if anything happened to her whilst she was in or around his "broken little flesh market", her men had been ordered in advance to ensure that nobody would ever "find what's left of you". Wanting to know if he had a part in the Sparrows rise to power in King's Landing, she went on to question him on what Cersei wanted, wanting to find anything that she could use to turn the tables on the woman who destroyed her family. Wary of a present that Littlefinger promised her, she became delighted as he explained that the "handsome young man" could provide her with the revenge she sort.

  1. "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" (First Appearance of the Series)
  2.  "The Gift" (Final Appearance of the Series)
Played By:
  • Dame Diana Rigg

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