Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Grand Maester Munkin - Histories and Lores Season Five (2015)

Having attended the Citadel of Old Town, Munkin rose through the ranks of the Order of Maesters, until he eventually made it to the position of Grand Maester at the Red Keep of King's Landing.

He was a survivor of the Targaryen Civil War, going on to write an account of the events in a tome known as "The Dance of Dragons, A True Telling", which despite it's title and best efforts fails to deliver.

  1. None
  1. "Dance of Dragons (First and Only Mention)

Maron Greyjoy - Histories and Lores Season Two (2012)

The son of the Lord Grim Reaper of Pyke, Maron Greyjoy took up arms against King Robert Baratheon after his father Balon declared the Iron Islands independent from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. 

He remained on the island of Pyke during the final days of the war, leading the defence against Robert's forces as they stormed the Greyjoy's ancestral home. However as the battle raged on, the towers and walls were bombarded by siege engines, with one tower collapsing on top of him. Maron's head and body was crushed under the bricks and rubble. 

  1. "Greyjoy Rebellion" (First and Only Appearance)

Rodrik Greyjoy - Histories and Lores Season Two (2012)

The son of Lord Balon Greyjoy, the self-proclaimed King of the Iron Islands, Rodrik sided with his father and fought the rule of King Robert Baratheon during the Greyjoy Rebellion.

After the Iron forces destroyed the Lannister Fleet, Rodrik led an assault on the town of Seagate, meeting opposition against Lord Jason Mallister and his army. After a violent battle underneath the walls of the city, Rodrik was killed by the Lord of Seagate, along with the majority of Balon's attack fleet.

  1. "Greyjoy Rebellion" (First and Only Appearance)

The Greenseers - Complete Guide to Westeros (2011)

The wisest and most powerful practitioners of magic within the Children of the Forest, the Greenseers were said to be responsible for the carving of the Weirwood Trees, which they used as part of their prayers to the Old and Faceless Gods of the Forest, Stream and Stone.

However they were not able to preserve the peace after the Andals arrived from the Andalos (west coast of Essos), forcing them to retreat to the furthest North of Westeros in hope that they could survive.

They were believed to be the stuff of legend, song and myth.


  1. "The Children of the Forest, The First Men, and The Andals" (First and Only Appearance)

The Children of the Forest - Complete Guide to Westeros (2011)

Originating from the beginning of time, the Children of the Forest were the original inhabitants of Westeros. Forming settlements for themselves in cranogs, caves and hearts of the
forests, they worshipped the Old and Faceless Gods, going so far as to have their most powerful mages - The Greenseers - carve faces into the centre of weirwood trees.

They were hunters, developing blades out of pure obsidian and bows that were crafted from weirwood.

They were considered by all sources of the legends to be small and beautiful humanoids with an affinity to the arcane arts.

When the First Men arrived from Essos across the Arm of Dorne, the Children took up arms against the invaders, who had declared the country for themselves and began slashing and burning their forests and weirwoods. The war was long and bloody, leaving much destruction in it's wake, however eventually came to an end when the two sides negotiated a truce.

Meeting the First Men on the God's Eye, the two formed The Pact, which was an agreement that the men could have all land, with the exception of the forests. A second condition was that the invaders would no longer be allowed to cut down weirwood trees. Finding the terms to be agreeable, the pact was forged, with the Children carving a face into every tree on the island (The Island of Faces) in the name of the Gods.

Brandon the Builder enlisted the Children to aid them in building the Wall, with the intention that it would lead to the prevention of the Long Night repeating itself.

However the pact was shattered when the Andals arrived and slaughtered most of the Children, forcing them
to retreat to the furthest possible reach of the North.

  1. "The Children of the Forest, The First Men, and The Andals" (First Appearance)
  2. "The Old Gods and the New" (Last Appearance)
  1. "House Stark"  (First and Only Mention)

King Bumi - Avatar: The Last Airbender: Book One: Water (2005)

Born and raised in the city of Omashu, Bumi was an Earthbender and friend of the Avatar Aang, who often came to visit him. Growing up, he developed a new purpous using the Omashu delivery carts in races, as the "world's greatest super slide". He added to the sceptical Aang that he should not to just see what was there, but instead think about the potential an object could have. He was pleased for being called a "Mad Genius".

Over the years, Bumi grew to become advanced in the art of Earthbending, eventually being crowned the King of Omashu.

At some point he met and trained a wild goat gorilla, taming the animal and keeping it with him as a pet, giving him the name Flopsie.

"The King of Omashu"

After Aang, Katara and Soka were arrested by the Omashu City Guard for the severe destruction of property whilst racing one of the delivery courts, King Bumi was informed of the disturbance and demanded that they be brought before him. However upon seeing the young Airbender, the monarch recognised him to be his old friend, but choosing instead to toy with Aang rather than reveal himself. When called upon to pass judgement for their crimes, Bumi declared that that they should be "throw{n} a feast," to the surprise of all and the annoyance of an irate cabbage salesman.

Hosting his guests at the great feast table, Bumi remarked that many of the people of the city had over indulged with banquets, inquiring if Aang liked his skinless chicken - unaware that his friend was a vegetarian. Instead he turned to Soka and shoved it in his mouth, remarking that he imagined that he would like it instead.

Taking a seat at the head of the table, he politely asked the "young bald one" where he was born, seeing through all of Aang's lies and making jokes at his expense. Adding that the last he had heard of "Kangaroo Island" (where Aang said he was from) it was "really hopping". Yawning he told them that his jokes were making him feel exhausted, adding that it was time for them to retire. Yet before anyone can react, Bumi chucked a chicken wing at Aang, forcing him to display his ability to manipulate wind. He told his astounded guard that they were in the presence of the Avatar, triumphantly asking how he planned to deny his abilities and addressing him by the alias he had used to enter Omashu in the first place.

Katara demanded that they "let {us} leave," only making him pick up a lettuce leaf and make a joke about their current predicament. His tone became more serious as he commanded Aang to compete in three tasks, dismissing them to go to "the newly refurbished chamber" - making it very clear to his guard that he wanted them to be taken to the chamber that had used to been bad until the refurbishments. Continuing off tangent, he mused that they should in fact number the chambers to prevent any more of these conversations from happening, taking another bite of lettuce as they were escorted from the throne room.

Ordering his guards to kidnap Katara and Soka, he summoned Aang to the throne room, demanding to know what he thought about his new robes and adding that he genuinely wanted his opinion. Upon hearing Aang comment that it was "fine", Bumi congratulated him for passing the first test, however noted that the tests that were yet to face were far more taxing. Listening to Aang's refusal to partake, he stated that he had guessed that this eventuality would happen, revealing his hostages and their fate - they are to wear rings of "pure Jennamite" (the creeping crystal) that would encase their whole bodies in the stuff by evening. He felt sorry for doing it, saying it was a "terrible fate" that he could prevent from happening, so long as Aang does agree to his terms.

Gathering on the balcony of an underground cave, Bumi proclaimed the first task was to obtain his "lunchbox key" that was hanging in the centre of a waterfall. As he watched, he sarcastically remarked that nobody had ever climbed the ladder before. He further ridiculed his friend for diving into the waterfall, saying that he should keep doing it and see what happens with each attempt.

Silently impressed by his completion of the task, Bumi told Aang that he needed help with something else before he could allow them to leave. Directing him to the next arena, he asked the Avatar to bring him Flopsie, laughing at the young Airbender's attempts to catch the rabbit, whilst avoiding to be caught by a large goat gorilla. Upon Aang realising that it was in fact the goat gorilla that was Flopsie, Bumi called back his pet and began to play with him, rubbing his belly and cooing about how soft he was.

Chuckling at Aang's pushing for the third and final test, he lead them to the last of his arenas, explaining that the boy had to fight against any opponent he chose himself. He remarked that former should chose wisely though, criticising his decision when he was called on to fight. Shedding his robes, he revealed himself to be a powerful combatant with great abilities at Earthbending. Sending him hurling off the balcony, Bumi jumped into the ring, laughing as he approached his target.

Scolding his friend for underestimating him, he went on to tell the Avatar that he could not take back his decision now it was made, granting him permission to use his bow staff. Using his powers, he scoffed at Aang's reliance on "avoiding" and "evading" attacks, going on to call him predicable. Telling the airbender he would have to fight back, Bumi began pacing back and fourth, summoning sharp stalagmites to slow his opponent down.

Continuing to fight, Bumi kept goading Aang, remarking his attacks were not good enough and were more like a draft that a hurricane. He caused the ground to become like quicksand, dragging Aang into the depths as he struggled to break free as more rocks were manipulated to crush them. However Aang was able to get the upper hand and sends the destroyed wall and balcony fired at him back on his target with a tornado. Held at staff point, Bumi feigns surrender, only to hold a rock above both of their heads and threatens to drop it on them both. However he commended Aang for his abilities and passion, tossing the rock aside, falling back into the sand and manipulating it to travel to the other balcony and join Katara and Soka.

Bumi stated that all Aang had to do was to answer his question, telling the disgruntled hero that the point of his tests were to make him learn. He proceeded with the question, asking Aang to tell him his name, leaving him to guess the answer.

Confronting Bumi in the throne room once again, Aang repeated what his friend had told him all those years ago, once again calling him a "Mad Genius" and embracing him. Dropping the act, he warmly greeted his friend and added that he hadn't changed in all the years he had been trapped in the ice.

Freeing Katara and Soka from the Jemmanite prisons, he revealed that it was in fact rock candy, taking a bite out of it as Katara called him old. Although he was first affronted by this, he later agreed that it was true. When asked why he had not just told him the truth in the first place, Bumi remarked that it was fun to use mess with people, however went on to say that he also had to test Aang to see if he was ready to face the Fire Lord Ozai. He told Aang that he must master all four of the elements, insisting that he should use every technique that he can think of - both conventional and unconventional, in order to succeed and restore the balance of the world. He shared his approval at Aang's friends, stating that with them and Momo, he would complete his quest.

Thanking him for training him with his wisdom, Aang challenged Bumi to a race in the delivery carts, which he quickly snatched.


  1. "The King of Omashu" (First and Only Appearance of the Series)

Clegane - Histories and Lores Season Two (2012)

The kennel master at Casterly Rock in the service of Lord Tytos of House Lannister, Clegane saved his master from being mauled to death by a lioness one afternoon during a hunt, fighting off the predator with three of his hounds.

For his actions that day, he was granted the title of Lord of House Clegane, as well as given wealth and a keep for him and his family to live. He was responsible for the creation of the sigil of his new House, choosing to honour the memory of the three fallen dogs that died in defence of his liege lord.

He married his wife, leading to the pair being born a son to pass on the Clegane family name and honour of the boy honouring to squire for the Lannisters.

Clegane was the grandfather of Ser Gregor (The Mountain) and Ser Sandor (The Hound), as well as their sister who mysteriously disappeared when the children were younger.  

  1. "House Clegane" (First and Only Appearance)

House Clegane - Histories and Lores Season Two (2012)

Formerly the kennel masters of Casterly Rock under the rule of Lord Tytos Lannister, House Clegane was formed after the servant Clegane and three of his hounds chased off a lioness tried to kill his liege lord one day. As a reward for his bravery and courage, his family were given titles, land, a keep and their own sigil to fight under. The banner they chose was that of three hounds on a yellow field, with the dogs acting as a tribute to the three that lost their lives to the lioness.

Clegane married and soon bore a son, who continued to work in the kennels. There the son reared the dogs to hunt, fight and kill. Lord Tywin Lannister demanded that he taught not only the hounds learn how to kill, but also his sons.

Eventually the son married and bore three children, Gregor, Sandor and a young daughter. Gregor and Sandor fulfilled Tywin's wish, becoming familiar with the art of murder and bloodshed. Meanwhile their sister went missing during the early years of the children growing up, with many suspecting that she was a victim at Gregor's hand, along with numerous servants of the Clegane Keep who had disappeared without a trace.

Prince Rhaegar, on the protestations of Tywin, personally knighted Gregor and made him a sworn knight, bringing honour to the family. However the family would undergo great scrutiny at the actions of Gregor after the knight helped sack King's Landing, butchered Rhaegar's children, and raped Princess Elia Martell before violently killing her.

Upon the passing of the Lord Clegane in a supposed hunting accident, Gregor became the Lord of the Clegane Keep, whilst Sandor went to serve at Casterly Rock as a sworn protector and loyalist to Prince Joffrey Baratheon.

  1. "House Clegane" (First and Only Appearance)

Ser Daemon Sand - Game Of Thrones Season Four (2014)

A Dornish knight serving as squire to Prince Oberyn Martell, Daemon Sand of House Allyrion was trained to handle and utilise both blades and poisons in his service with the Prince of Sunspear. He was used to preparing Oberyn's weapons for battle, including coating them with Manticore Venom and other dangerous toxins.

Ser Daemon travelled to King's Landing with Oberyn to attend the wedding of King Joffrey Baratheon and Margery Tyrell during the year 301 AC.

"The Mountain and the Viper"

Daemon attended Tyrion Lannister's Trail by Combat, polishing and smearing Oberyn's spear with freshly extracted venom from one of the Red Viper's pet manticores, whilst Grand Maester Pycelle was stating the purpose of the fight.

Once he had finished coating the tip, Daemon tossed Oberyn his weapon and stood back to watch the fight between his Lord and Ser Gregor of House Clegane. He watched with horror and disgust as the Mountain crushed his paladin's head with his bare hands, killing him in a gruesome and violent way.

It is unclear if he returned to Dorne with Ellaria after the trial had ended, or if he survived the purge of Dorne at the hands of the Sand Snakes later that year.


  1. "The Mountain and the Viper" (First and Only Appearance)

Manticore Venom - Histories and Lores Season Four (2014)

A deadly venom extracted from the tail and stinger of Manticores, Manticore Venom is a powerful and potent toxin that requires only a small amount in the bloodstream to seriously harm or kill the victim, no matter the size of the target.

It is dangerous to procure, as it is removed from living Manticores that are temperamental and violent when provoked (yet can be trained).

It is often used by The Red Viper Oberyn Martell, who coated his sword, knives and spears with the substance before entering lethal conflict.

In his private chambers of King's Landing, Oberyn expressed some of the venom from one of his pet Manticores, taking multiple samples. One of those vials of Venom were used on his spear, while the other was given to his squire Daemon, so that he could coat it with a concentrated dosage closer to the start of his fight between The Mountain.


  1. "Poisons" (First and Only Appearance/Not named/Referenced Only)

Oberyn Martell's Manticores - Histories and Lores Season Four (2014)

Having studied many different forms of poison and venom during his time travelling, Oberyn Martell collected living samples of Manticores, fascinated by the creatures and the deadly toxin produced within their bodies - administered through their sting.

Before he went into fights and battles, both Oberyn and his squire Daemon would coat his blades and spears with fresh venom that had been carefully extracted from his pets.

The Red Viper journeyed to King's Landing with his collection for the wedding of King Joffrey Baratheon and Margery Tyrell. keeping them safely contained within a glass jar in his chambers with his weapons.


Upon learning of his participation in Tyrion Lannister's upcoming trial by combat, Oberyn chose one of the Manticores from their vessel, preparing to extract and coat his blades with venom - while collecting a sample to give to Daemon for a similar process just before the fight between himself and Ser Gregor Clegane.

  1. "Poisons" (First and Only Appearance/Not named)