Tuesday 29 August 2017

Oberyn Martell's Manticores - Histories and Lores Season Four (2014)

Having studied many different forms of poison and venom during his time travelling, Oberyn Martell collected living samples of Manticores, fascinated by the creatures and the deadly toxin produced within their bodies - administered through their sting.

Before he went into fights and battles, both Oberyn and his squire Daemon would coat his blades and spears with fresh venom that had been carefully extracted from his pets.

The Red Viper journeyed to King's Landing with his collection for the wedding of King Joffrey Baratheon and Margery Tyrell. keeping them safely contained within a glass jar in his chambers with his weapons.


Upon learning of his participation in Tyrion Lannister's upcoming trial by combat, Oberyn chose one of the Manticores from their vessel, preparing to extract and coat his blades with venom - while collecting a sample to give to Daemon for a similar process just before the fight between himself and Ser Gregor Clegane.

  1. "Poisons" (First and Only Appearance/Not named)

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