Saturday, 9 September 2017

The Question - Flashpoint: Deadman and the Flying Graysons (2011)

The alias of Charles Victor Szasz (later Victor Sage), The Question was one one of many costumed individuals who decided to take up arms against the Atlanteans and Amazons, in the hope they can bring peace to war torn world.

Acting as backup to Britannia and Kid Devil, the Question travelled to Poland to reinforce Vertigo as he attempted to locate the Helmet of Fate and ensure it did not fall into the hands of the Amazons. However by the time their jet arrived in the outskirts of Kalisz, the city had been put to the torch and Vertigo was killed.

"Death of the Family"

The Question and the others ran into Dick Grayson, who was the sole survivor of the attack on the city and the new owner of the Helmet. He watched in silence as he introduced himself to Britannia as Dr. Fate, telling her that he was a member of the Resistance and responsible for killing the Amazons and Female Furies' responsible for destroying Kalisz - among their ranks was the Tamaranean Starfire.

  1. "Death of the Family" (First and Only Appearance)

Garth - Flashpoint: Wonder Woman and the Furies (2011)

An Atlantean in the court of King Orin of Atlantis,  Garth was made the monarch's ward, training with him and living with the royal family.

In 1997,  Garth was among the royal delegation invited by Queen Hippolyta to Themyscira to create a pact between the two great nations. However he engaged in battle with the Amazons on the beach, after Artemis and  Penthesilea attacked Orin - stating that they thought they had captured Princess Diana and were using her as a political hostage for war.

Later in court, Garth humbly apologised before the Amazonian court for his participation in the fight, with Prince Orm speaking on his behalf on the subject with the excuse that both were defending themselves against an unprovoked attack and were acting on the rumours of old - that Amazons were supposedly "ruthless" killers. He witnessed the betrothal announcement between King Orin and Princess Diana.

Again accompanying Orin back to Themyscira for the Royal Wedding in 2010, Garth was supposed to stand with Orin and Orm as part of the groom's consort. However he woke up on the morning of the wedding to find that his armour had gone missing. When Garth did not turn up, Orin angrily told Orm that he was disappointed that Garth was unable to show his face, stating that he was unable to see through prejudice in order for there to be peace between Themyscira and Atlantis.

Going off to search for it, he walked in on Artemis just as she hurled his stolen trident at Princess Diana - however the Queen protected her mother and took the weapon herself, killing her instantly. Attacking Artemis, he stated his surprise and shock at her treachery against her people, however she retaliated by the fact that he was no soldier if he had to ask why she was doing this - in her eyes being for the good of Themyscira, aiding Penthesilia and Orm's plot to stop the union at any cost. Knocking him out as she boasted the ease of the plan surpassing the expectations of Orm, he was dressed in his armour and chucked from the balcony, while Artemis triumphantly told them that she had caught the"assassin." As Garth tried to tell Orin about the plot, Penthesilea silenced him with his own trident, branding him a "murderer."

Prince Orm tried to use Garth's death as a means to push fighting between the two nations. However Orin decided to try and make peace with the Amazons, which was once again sabotaged by the plotters, leading to all out war - with one side wanting to take any advantage or victory over the other.

It was only after there was no chance that the two armies could repair ties, did Diana learn the truth of the plot and Garth's innocence. However Orin would not end the war since she had killed Mera - securing that only the one who would survive single combat would be the winner.

  1. "The Arrangement" (First and Only Appearance)
  1. "The Sacrifice" (First Mention)