Saturday 9 September 2017

The Question - Flashpoint: Deadman and the Flying Graysons (2011)

The alias of Charles Victor Szasz (later Victor Sage), The Question was one one of many costumed individuals who decided to take up arms against the Atlanteans and Amazons, in the hope they can bring peace to war torn world.

Acting as backup to Britannia and Kid Devil, the Question travelled to Poland to reinforce Vertigo as he attempted to locate the Helmet of Fate and ensure it did not fall into the hands of the Amazons. However by the time their jet arrived in the outskirts of Kalisz, the city had been put to the torch and Vertigo was killed.

"Death of the Family"

The Question and the others ran into Dick Grayson, who was the sole survivor of the attack on the city and the new owner of the Helmet. He watched in silence as he introduced himself to Britannia as Dr. Fate, telling her that he was a member of the Resistance and responsible for killing the Amazons and Female Furies' responsible for destroying Kalisz - among their ranks was the Tamaranean Starfire.

  1. "Death of the Family" (First and Only Appearance)

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