She was a loyal member of the Red Lantern Corps, serving Atrocitus without question as they crossed the Universe, bringing justice to all in the name of revenge.
"Atrocitus Ending"
After the death of Brainaic at the hands of Atrocitus and the destruction of Brainaic's Bottle City Collection, Bleez and the other members of the Red Lantern Corps were "overwhelmed" by the cries of vengeance, rebelling against their leader and chasing him across Ysmault.
Injuring him, Vice, Dex-Starr, Skallox and herself were about to murder their former leader, having tracked him down to the ocean of blood. Before she could finish him off, Proselyte intervened, getting between their attacks and Atrocitus as they showed the outlaw that rage could work in balance with every other emotion if the right person could unite the Corps.
Willing to give Atrocitus a second chance, Bleez stood by him as he addressed representatives of the six other Corps of the Emotional Spectrum, saluting the unification by firing a blast of red light into the sky.
- "Atrocitus Ending"