An undercover agent working for the Detroit hero Cyborg, Jimmy Olsen was personally tasked with crossing the world and seeing what impact the Atlantean/Amazon war had on neutral nations, using his camera to upload all his findings directly to the National Security Adviser to the U.S.A.
He was given a special camera that had been designed and developed by Cyborg, which was made with a smart metal that could change it's shape when necessary to conceal itself for different espionage tasks.
In his job infiltrating the Daily Planet, he pretended to be a crude and comical photographer, making friends with fellow reporter Lois Lane. He was often partnered with her for jobs.

In his last mission, Jimmy was to make contact with a Resistance cell within New Themyscira (formerly the United Kingdom) and plan extraction for them with their findings about the Amazon forces.
"Breaking News"
Attending a fashion show at the Montmatre Hotel in Paris as Lois Lane's camera man, Jimmy fetched them both a bottle of champagne and two glasses, whilst the irate journalist tried to determine why they were reporting about clothing when the whole planet was preparing for a World War between the Amazons and Atlanteans. He made an inappropriate comment to her, which she pulled him up on before stating that they needed to get to work.
Following her outside to get some air, he jokingly mused that "a knife-cut fringe" could cut the obsession and vanity of many of the runway models present at the event, making Lois laugh. However he is startled by an earthquake that shakes across the whole of France, asking "Miss Lane" if she could feel the tremors too as glass from the building shatter around them. Avoiding being crushed by the rubble the two escape the scene. Yet Jimmy stops to take several photos, angering her partner, who is more concerned with getting away with her life.

Helping a women get her kids to higher ground, they just manage to get inside the church of Sacre Coeur when a tidal wave crashes through the city. Yelling at Lois to get to safety and not look back, he saw that
an old man had fallen and was struggling to get back up. Giving her both his camera and the mother's baby - who he had been holding whilst she got hold of her other two children - Jimmy ran back to help the man, however both were caught in the tsunami and died.
Learning about his mission, Lois demanded that Cyborg allow her to honour his memory and take his place as a member of the Resistance, so that her friend did not die in vain.
- "Breaking News" (First and Only Appearance)