Tuesday 29 August 2017

Clegane - Histories and Lores Season Two (2012)

The kennel master at Casterly Rock in the service of Lord Tytos of House Lannister, Clegane saved his master from being mauled to death by a lioness one afternoon during a hunt, fighting off the predator with three of his hounds.

For his actions that day, he was granted the title of Lord of House Clegane, as well as given wealth and a keep for him and his family to live. He was responsible for the creation of the sigil of his new House, choosing to honour the memory of the three fallen dogs that died in defence of his liege lord.

He married his wife, leading to the pair being born a son to pass on the Clegane family name and honour of the boy honouring to squire for the Lannisters.

Clegane was the grandfather of Ser Gregor (The Mountain) and Ser Sandor (The Hound), as well as their sister who mysteriously disappeared when the children were younger.  

  1. "House Clegane" (First and Only Appearance)

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