Monday 17 July 2017

Commander Saturn - Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Series: Season 10 (2007)

In search of the Adamant Orb, Commander Saturn brokered a deal with Team Rocket members Jessie, James, and Meowth to steal the precious item for Team Galactic's plans. Not trusting them to complete the job with any degree of competence, Saturn organised a helicopter to monitor the events closely from the skies.

"A Secret Sphere of Influence"

Retreating from the air space above the Eterna City Historical Museum after Team Rocket's failure to extract the Adamant Orb, Saturn sat silently as their vehicle disappeared towards the mountains and the sun set. Listening to his pilot and copilot express their belief that the hired felons were "useless", he was unimpressed by the promise that they would be successful the next time they went after the Orb.


  1. "A Secret Sphere of Influence" (First Appearance - Only Appearance in Season 10)

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