Thursday 20 July 2017

Mars' Bronzor - Pokemon: DP: Battle Dimension: Season 11 (2007)

Just like her fellow Team Galactic Commander, Saturn, Mars owned her very own Bronzor, training the Bronze Pokemon with numerous Pokemon moves that can help out to further the goals of Team Galactic.

"Double Team Turnover"

In a similar tactic to that used by Saturn earlier, Mars had her Bronzor put the security guards outside the Celestic Town Ruins asleep, giving them access to the temple and the chance to regain the Lustrous Orb - which had fallen into the hands of Team Rocket.

Floating after Mars, her grunts and Purugly, Bronzor watched as their owner demanded the relic from the opposing criminal organisation. They were tasked with working together with the Tiger Cat Pokemon to reclaim the Orb, preparing to use Hypnosis against them. However they were knocked out of the sky by Garchomp and Staravia, sending the Psychic type crashing to the ground, falling unconscious from the impact.

They were retrieved by Mars as she made her escape under the cover of Golbats, having distracted Ash and his friends long enough for Jupiter to arrive and get her Skuntank to obtain the Lustrous Orb.

  1. "Double Team Turnover" (First and Only Appearance)

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