Friday 7 July 2017

Matt - Pokemon Generations (2016)

An admin and high ranking member of Team Aqua, Matt was loyal to their leader Archie and the group's goal of increasing the oceans of the world and destroy all human life on Earth, believing that humanity is responsible for so much evil and disorder and ruining the world of Pokemon. He aided Archie and Shelly in their preparations for awakening Kyogre.

'The Cavern'

Acting as a lookout on the cliffs of Mosdeep, Matt and the other Grunts watched in horror as Primal Kyogre burst out of the oceans, creating hurricane force gales and tidal waves across large areas of the Hohen Region. Contacting Archie as a flock of panicked Wingul hurtled past, he expressed his belief that the world the world will be sunk into the ocean with no Pokemon or humans left alive.

  1. 'The Cavern' (First and Only Appearance)

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