Wednesday 30 August 2017

Maester Caleotte - A Game of Thrones (1996)

Having earned his chain at the Citadel of Old Town, Maester Caleotto was assigned to the Dornish castle of Sunspear, acting as a councillor and healer to Prince Doran Martell and the rest of his household.

He had experience and training with ravens, as well as training with potions and poisons, part of what he had achieved during his time with the Order of Maesters.

Among his duties to the Martell Family, Caleotto also acted as the tutor to Princess Arianne, Prince Quentyn and Prince Trystane, teaching them about the history of the kingdom of Dorne and Westeros.

  1. None
  1. "Appendix: House Martell" (First and Only Mention)

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