Friday 8 September 2017

Garth - Flashpoint: Emperor Aquaman (2011)

The ward to King Orin, Garth died in disgrace, believed to be a traitor and Atlantean assassin, responsible for killing Queen Hippolyta at the wedding ceremony of her daughter Princess Diana and his liege lord. Both deaths helped start the war that would end up consuming so much of the world, in blood, death and seawater.

"Emperor Aquaman Part Three"

Having caught her aunt Penthesilea kissing Prince Orm of Atlantis in her seat of power at Buckingham Palace, Diana realised her mistake about the war, for the first time questioning Garth's innocence to the crime of regicide.

However too much blood had been spilt and before the two sides could at least reconcile, Orm triggered the final act that led to the full scale invasion of New Themyscira.


  1. None
  1. "Emperor Aquaman Part Three" (First and Only Mention)

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