Saturday 2 September 2017

The Wight Viserion - Game of Thrones Season Seven (2017)

Formerly a dragon belonging to Queen Daenrys Targaryen, Viserion was named after her brother Viserys, and was brought to Westeros by his "mother" after she left the free city of Mareen.

He flew North with Danerys and his brothers Drogon and Rhaeghal to aid Jon Snow and his hunting party, using his fire breath to burn the army of the dead that had surrounded them. However he was so distracted by attacking the Wights that he did not notice a White Walker give the Night's King an ice spear. He was hit in the neck by the magical barb, sending him plummeting down to earth and smashing through the frozen lake.

"Beyond the Wall"

Following his death at the hands of the Night's King, Viserion's corpse was dragged to the surface of the frozen lake by the Wights. Once safely on land, the Night King knelt by his body and touched his forehead, using his powers to resurrect the fallen dragon. Opening his eyes, his once green irises had turned blue.

"The Dragon and the Wolf"

Acting now as the mount for the Night King, Viserion flew to the occupied keep of Eastwatch by the Sea, blasting the Wall with his flames - now the same blue colour as his eyes. Circling around for another attack, he managed to melt through the 8000 year old wall, sending melted rock and wood crashing down on the desperately fleeing Wildings.

Concentrating on one spot, Viserion brought down a large section of the Wall, leading the White Walkers and their armies of Wights into the main body of Westeros.

  1. "Beyond the Wall" (First Appearance)
  2. "The Dragon and the Wolf" (Last Appearance)

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