The alias of a teenager called Denny, Daybreaker grew up in a reality where no adults resided. He often spoke using slang from his world, which would not be make sense to many inhabitants across the rest of
the mulitverse.
Daybreaker was a meta-human with the ability to predict the events of battle and simulate every conceivable outcome before it actually happened. He was also a highly trained fighter both in hand to hand combat and with his bow staff.
Upon joining the Authoriteens, he became friends with Kid Apollo, who would always look out for him. He had very strong feelings for Kid Apollo, as well as harbouring deeply inset misogynistic views on women and their bodies.
"Road Trip, Part Three: Club Kids - Fire and Wind"
Watching from the shadows of a tree as Gen13 fought with the Liberty Snots, Daybreaker mused to Contractor that their targets were the team who were not fighting all in black clothing. He went on to tell them that he had used his powers of precognition in combat to perceive every possible outcome in their upcoming battle with the Gen13 team - seeing it as the only way to stop the destruction of the Multiverse. He added that everything will "turn out groovy."
"Road Trip, Part Three: Club Kids - Battle of the Band of Brothers"
Approaching the two teams, he addressed the assembled meta-humans and introduced the young Authoriteens, explaining that they were preventing the whole Multiverse from exploding. He goes on to ask if they were going to "rap, cats and kittens, dig," confusing Sweet Sally and the others, forcing the Intern to interpret what he was saying. He goes on to declare that the Gen13 were travellers who did not belong there and needed to be destroyed to stop the ripple effect that was putting reality itself in danger. He childishly laughed at the Interns use of the word "ripple" and it's closeness to the world nipple, wiping away a tear of joy as he told the latter that he was the bad one. Expressing his desire not to fight with them, he mocks the Intern for repeating the word "ripple" and using it in the presence of a girl - something Intern had told him off for.
As Nestler kissed M-T on the cheek as he left, he made a quiet remark about her, before clenching his fist with excitement as Fairchild told them that they would fight. He ordered the team to attack, arrogantly declaring that their was no way that Fairchild (mocking her for her ginger hair) could beat him, but was interrupted by a punch in the face that sent him flying backwards. As he hurtled towards an abandoned basket ball court, he scolded himself for not using his powers to run through the battle "a thousand more times" to predict such a move.
Returning to the field, Daybreaker declared that the team had almost won the battle, helping them knock the rest of Gen13 out.
"Road Trip, Part Five: Club Kids - Left of Centre"
Helping Nestler drag Grunge, he told the defeated opponent that he would feel better when he was dead, although noted that what he said sounded better in his head than what was verbalised. He went on with his point, stating that Grunge shouldn't think that what he was doing was suicide, but instead that he was saving the multiverse and would retcon all the events that had been altered by the Gen13's existence. He was grossed out by Grunge's final request for a kiss, commenting that "girls had cooties", before telling Nestling that he had not been meaning any offence to her. However he expressed no harm in permitting the request, childishly making retching noises as Grunge kissed Fairchild. Hearing the Contractor's warning, he tried to pull the two part, only to beaten back by Grunge who had absorbed some of Caitlin's powers from the kiss.
Comforting the embarrassed Kid Apollo about seeing a pair of breasts, which had formed on Grunge's body from using his absorbing powers on Caitlin, he told his friend that he could forget that he ever saw them by pushing Grunge through the matter decompressor.
Watching Kid Apollo get punched into the ground, he remarked that the young teen did not like that. However he is more alarmed by the revelation that Grunge had absorbed the power of the matter decompressor and used it to reduce Kid Apollo into a pile of bones, watching his friend die in silent despair.
"Road Trip, Part Six: Club Kids"
Enraged by the death of his friend, Daybreaker attacked Fairchild with his bow staff, screaming at her and calling her names. But he is quickly subdued, crying over the death of Kid Apollo. Seeing the arrival of the Tranquillity police force, the Authoriteens all return back to their own reality, having failed to complete their mission.
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