Sunday 17 September 2017

Nora Fries - Flashpoint: Citizen Cold (2011)

The wife of the famous scientist Victor Fries, Nora was happily married to her husband. However at some point contracted an illness that led to her health growing worse. In an effort to prevent her from dying, Victor Fries began to use his scientific knowledge to develop a cure, only for an experiment to go wrong and drastically alter his physiology.

Her condition finally reached critical, forcing Victor to turn to crime - as Mr. Freeze - to find the cure, listening out for any little rumour he could act upon in his mission.

Because Captain Cold killed Freeze in Central City, Nora's illness went untreated and she later died, with the supposed hero mocking Victor about her already being dead.

  1. "Cold-Hearted" (First and Only Mention)
  1. "Cold-Hearted Part Three" (First and Only Reference)

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