Saturday 8 July 2017

Poison Ivy's Plant Spores (Batman: Arkham Asylum)

Special spores created by Poison Ivy to use in her one woman war against mankind, these spores were lethal to humans in large dosages, while only small dosages could cause a great deal of pain.

'Batman: Arkham Asylum'

A year before the Joker's riot on Arkham Asylum, Poison Ivy used spores against Gotham City, however was defeated by Batman. He remembered that the spores had been deadly, killing an unspecified number.

On the night of her exposure to the Titan formula, Ivy was able to accelerate the growth of similar spores and weaponised them into plant pods, using them to take over Arkham Island for herself. These spores were responsible for killing many of the prisoners roaming around the island, forcing Batman to destroy the plants and ensure the island could fully operate once the Joker, Ivy and the other inmates had been taken back into custody.

  1. 'Batman: Arkham Asylum'

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