Tuesday 15 August 2017

Orys Baratheon - A Game of Thrones (1996)

The supposed bastard of Aerion Targaryen, Orys Baratheon was the founding member of House Baratheon during the War of Conquest. He sided with Aegon Targaryen, trusted as a field commander and well respected by his monarch.

He was responsible for killing the last of the Storm Kings - Argilac the Arrogant - in battle. As a reward for this, Aegon honoured him with all of the dead king's lands and castle. He also gave Orys permission for him to marry Argilac's daughter (Argella Durrandon). To show his respect and love for his wife, Orys made the "black crowned stag on a golden field" the sigil for House Baratheon, with the words "Ours be the Fury".

  1. None
  1. "Appendix: House Baratheon" (First and Only Mention)

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