Tuesday 15 August 2017

Princess Argella - A Game of Thrones (1996)

The only daughter of King Argilac (Durrandon), Argella was heir to his land and castle in the event of his passing.

She was presented to Lord Orys Baratheon, after her father was killed during King Aegon Targaryen's War of Conquest, where upon the latter said Argella was to be his wife. She was married to Orys, losing her title as Princess, however gaining the name Barathron - now instated as one of the Great Houses of Westeros.

In her honour, Orys ensured that House Baratheon used House Durrandon's sigil and family words as their own.

  1. None
  1. "Appendix: House Baratheon" (First and Only Mention)

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