Saturday 16 September 2017

The Red Tornadoes - Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint (2011)

Conceptualised and produced by Dr. Thomas Oscar Morrow, The Red Tornadoes were a defence project commissioned by the Japanese Government to protect Japan from being attacked, following a breakdown in geo-political relations between nations in the wake of the Atlantean/Amazon war.

Not only were they programmed to enact lethal force against any act seen as a threat for national security, the Tornadoes were a public deterrent. Many units were created and distributed across the country, with one of their main production sites being based in Tokyo. There single function is to protect their assigned country.

However during the manufacturing of one of the units, the creator died.

It was never revealed if any more units were crafted. The lone unit referred to them as his "brothers", though it was not made clear if all templates of the Red Tornado unit were designated as being male.

Each unit floated above the city, monitoring the world from the sky.


  1. Thomas Oscar Morrow (Leader)
  2. The Unfinished Red Tornado Unit 
  3. Numerous Unnamed Red Tornado Units 
  1. "This is the World we Made" (First Appearance)
  2. "This is the World we Hope For" (Final Appearance/Flashback Only)

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