Upon hearing of the Tourney of Lord Whent to be held at Harrenhal, Qarlton attempted to persuade Aerys not to attend and cancel it, stating it would be a platform for Rhaegar to win support and popularity from houses and people that were not happy with the rule they were receiving from House Targaryen. Rhaegar's skill in battle also allowed them to try and drive an even bigger wedge between father and son, as did the act of presenting Lyanna Stark with a garland of blue roses.
Having replaced the former Hand of the King (Jon Connigton), Qarlton did his best to counsel Aerys II, only to be deemed as providing information that was causing them to lose the war. In his anger, the King had Wisdom Rossart burn him alive, making his pyromancer the new Hand.
- None
- "The End" (First and Only Mention)
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