Tuesday 8 August 2017

Sam Tarly - The World of Ice and Fire (2014)

Known as "Savage" Sam Tarly, he was the leader of House Tarly, the Lord of Horn Hill and a loyalist to the Targaryen monarchy, serving King Aenys I Targaryen.

After an outlaw took the name of the Vulture King and went into open rebellion against the Iron Throne, Sam joined the Marcher Lords and took part in the "Vulture Hunt" to locate the would be usurper and end the rebellion.

Wielding his Valyrion Steel Sword Heartsbane, the Lord of House Tarly cut his way through his army of Dornish rebels, coating his blade in blood. He went on to peruse them, living to the end of the rebellion and ensuring that the Vulture King would never rebel again.

  1. None
  1. "Aenys I" (First and Only Appearance)

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