Thursday 10 August 2017

Lord Elmo Tully - The World of Ice and Fire (2014)

Defying his grandfather's (Lord Grover Tully) orders, Ser Elmo Tully sealed the gates to Riverun, deciding that he would keep the banners at their ancestral home and not show support for King Aegon II Targaryen.

Making the executive decision to ally himself with Queen Rhaenyra during the 130 AC Targaryen Civil War, he lead the armies of the Riverlands into the second Battle of the town of Tumbleton. The Blacks won and very shortly after that, Elmo was made Lord of Riverun after the bedridden Grover passed away.

However forty nine days after he became the Lord Paramount of the Trident, Lord Tully collapsed and died. His young son Kermit Tully had to take up the moniker of Lord of Riverun, continuing his father's position as commander of the Riverland Forces.


  1. None
  1. "House Tully" (First and Only Mention)

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