Thursday 10 August 2017

Lord Jon Connington - The World of Ice and Fire (2014)

A man in the court of King Aerys II Targaryen, Jon Connigton was a friend and supporter of Prince Rhaegar.

After the outbreak of Robert Baratheon's rebellion, he was made the Hand of the King, as well as fighting in the field with his men to bring down the usurper and end the conflict. He fought Robert's army at Stoney Sept, in what would later be called the Battle of the Bells, however they were defeated by Baratheon - helping to get into an alliance with House Tully and their bannerman. He was almost killed by Robert, however chose to retreat after seeing that their was no chance for the battle to be won.

The Targaryen armies were left disorientated, taking time to regroup after several defeats to the rebellion. Connington's army was reinforced by the King's Guard, along with the aid of Rhaegar who travelled north with even more recruits.

Connington was stripped of his position as Hand of the King, with King Aerys II Targaryen presenting Lord Qarlton Chelsted with the title.


  1. None
  1. "Robert's Rebellion" (First and Only Mention) 

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